Fully Managed Service

Fully Managed Payroll Service

Extra help 

We offer a fully managed payroll service that delivers third party support to anyone who is unable to operate direct payments and there is no suitable person available to them. This includes people who have a personal health budget to manage their ongoing complex health needs.

The service

We incorporate all aspects of processing your personal assistant’s wages, along with operating a dedicated bank account to receive and manage your income and expenditure. We make sure the money coming in is correct. We also arrange and pay for the required insurance cover and deal with your obligations towards the local authority’s checks and audits.

Retaining control

Our fully managed payroll service makes sure that you make the decisions and stay in control of your support services while we take care of managing all the financial transactions. You’ll receive regular statements of all the transactions handled.

Open to all

The service is open to anyone who chooses to have it – whether you are personal budget holder receiving direct payments from your Local Authority or CCG, a private individual self-funding your care and support, or a case manager for a person with an acquired brain injury. 
Setting up a fully managed payroll service is simple and straightforward. To find out more, contact us on 0151 949 5442 or email managedaccounts@kdc.org.uk.
Everything is done for you.  We always get a quick response, for booking holidays, etc. The service makes everything easier!

All profits go to charity

All of our profits go to KDC. So by using Your Payroll, you will be helping support a very worthwhile charity. To find out more, click here.
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